Kamal gives you the keys to reach 2 billion Muslims!

You don’t have to be uncomfortable around Muslims. All you need to do is get equipped to share the gospel through Ishmael Redeemed!

Ishmael Redeemed book and DVD bundle

 Ishmael Redeemed: Called to the Kingdom by Kamal Saleem

Want to share your faith, but don’t know how – especially with Muslims?

As Christians, we should have the confidence and the “know how” to share the gospel with everyone – even Muslims. That can be hard when they are sometimes perceived as “enemies of America.”

Meet Kamal Saleem

As a former radical jihadist, Kamal Saleem can be the bridge for Christians to learn how to reach Muslims, the sons of Ishmael, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In his new series, Ishmael Redeemed: Called to the Kingdom, Kamal will teach you where they came from, where they’re going and how the Church fits into God’s plan for the sons of Ishmael.

Learn to reach 2 billion Muslims for Jesus Christ!


Kamal Saleem

Packages & Pricing

Ishmael Redeemed book



Ishmael Redeemed: Called to the Kingdom dispels the myths of Islam and brings the truth about the role the tribes of Ishmael will play in the destiny of Israel.

Ishmael Redeemed book and DVD bundle



Get the book and the DVD to maximize your impact by gaining all the knowledge you need to reach the Muslim people for Jesus Christ. You can read it as well as hear it from Kamal himself!

Ishmael Redeemed DVD



Kamal explains the orphan spirit that began with Ishmael and lives in the hearts of Muslims today. Learn the truth: Do Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God? Was Muhammed part of God’s plan?

What You Will Learn

woman in chador garment talking to child

The Origin of Islam

Learn the true origins of Islam and terrorism, as well as God’s plan for redeeming the sons of Ishmael, Muslims.

man in face covering

What the real threat is

Learn the real threat to the US and non-Muslims by Islamic extremists through “stealth jihad.”

hands joined on a Bible

How to fulfill your role

Discover your inner evangelist, and gain the confidence to fulfill God’s call for the Church to reach Muslims for Christ.

Download a Free PDF:
Ishmael Redeemed Chapter 1

© 2021 Koome Ministries
15954 Jackson Creek Pkwy, STE B PMB 282, Monument, CO 80132

